TransferKu is a money transfer service using a mobile app
for domestic and international transfers.
TransferKu is a mobile application made to provide
convenience for its users, can be downloaded via
Google PlayStore and Apple Store, and can
be installed directly by the user, as well as easy
Personal email is the email that is used during user
registration which is used as a user when logging in for the
first time to access the TransferKu.
Password is a collection of numbers or letters or symbols
used as a secret code, which is generated by the user when
registering TransferKu.
Register/registration is all users who do not have an
account on TransferKu are required to register/register
Sender documents are all forms of data requested by
TransferKu when sending as valid documentary evidence
belonging to the user which will be stored in TransferKu's
data base.
User identity is a user's identity that consists of an
original number registered in State documents, and can be
declared as valid and valid authenticity.
Self photo is the user's photo when registering /
registering which must be done by the user as proof of the
user's photo.
Access rights are users who have registered or register on
the TransferKu application have the right to be able to use
the benefits of the available application.
Reference ID is a secret code for money transfer that comes
out if the user has made a money transfer using mobile
TransferKu automatically, and is considered successful by
the system will come out in a number of nine (9) digits, and
sent by the sending user to the recipient, which can
disbursed at services/counters that have collaborated with
Domestic is a delivery service within the territory of
Indonesia to an individual recipient or to a Bank account.
International is an overseas money transfer service covering
countries listed in the TransferKu system which can be
received either in cash or addressed to a bank account, in
US dollars or the currency of the destination country.
Proof of transaction is evidence of a valid sending
transaction by the user which can be forwarded to the
intended recipient, which the user can then disburse by the
recipient at the available socket if the delivery is in cash
and as proof of money transfer if the shipment is addressed
to a bank account.
All users who have downloaded from the
Google PlayStore or Apple Store can
register TransferKu.
Users can perform independent restoration to make
transactions on TransferKu after receiving approval by
TransferKu when registering according to the terms and
Users who have registered are entitled to use TransferKu and
can access or use TransferKu.
TransferKu can be downloaded via
Google PlayStore or Apple Store with the
TransferKu logo.
Users who send money using TransferKu, both Domestic and
International, are required to send their money through the
services available on the system either by transferring to a
virtual account or in cash.
TransferKu has the right to approve or reject the
application for user registration within the time limit for
submitting 1 X 24 hours.
Users who experience problems during transactions or
failures during registration can chat with TransferKu as a
user service.
Users who forget their password can make a request to
TransferKu to reset it again, and the user will get a
standard password sent via email registered to TransferKu.
Users are required to keep their passwords secret to prevent
other parties from using them.
Emails used for mobile security items and passwords are not
allowed to be given to parties other than the user himself.
Users are prohibited from copying or duplicating, or
accessing by means of outside the provisions of the
TransferKu system for any purpose.
Blocking on user requests can be done via chat or contact
TransferKu customer service.
Blocking of Abuse by TransferKu users of the authorities'
reports for criminal purposes based on evidence.
The block can be reopened at the request of the user who
requests to block his / her account belonging to the user.
An TransferKu account that has been permanently blocked
cannot be reopened with the same data when registering
TransferKu for the first time.
In the event that TransferKu cannot run on the application by
the user, either partially or completely due to events or
things beyond TransferKu's power or capability, including but
not limited to natural disasters, war, riot,
equipment/systems/transmission in a malfunctioning condition,
electricity disruption, telecommunication interruption,
government policy prohibiting TransferKu from providing
services, as well as other events or things beyond the power
or ability of TransferKu, the user hereby frees TransferKu
from all kinds of demands of any kind related to it.
- Use of TransferKu will end if:
The user submits a request for termination to TransferKu,
because, among others:
The user ends the use of the registered email on
- At his own request on the TransferKu.
- Inactive for about three (three) months.
TransferKu has the right to terminate user access to
TransferKu who is suspected of and or misuses TransferKu for
criminal purposes and violates the provisions of the
applicable laws.
Transaction history that has been done by the user is stored
on the TransferKu application of the user.
TransferKu cannot provide user data that has been deleted by
the system, except for the purpose of investigation by the
The user agrees that any dispute or disagreement arises from
and / or is related to the implementation of the provisions
of PT Graha Remitansi Indonesia's TransferKu between the
user and TransferKu, in this case PT Graha Remitansi
Indonesia's proposal by means of deliberation.
Any dispute or disagreement that cannot be resolved by
deliberation by the user with TransferKu, will be resolved
through mediation through the Alternative Dispute Resolution
Institution listed in the List of Alternative Dispute
Resolution Agencies established by Bank Indonesia.
Any dispute or disagreement that cannot be resolved either
by deliberation and / or mediation as referred to in point 2
above, will be resolved through the Cirebon Regency District
Court, without prejudice to TransferKu's right to file
claims or claims through other District Courts within the
territory of the Republic Indonesia.
We are committed to providing users with the best service at all
times. In the unlikely event that the User is not satisfied with
our service, please contact us as soon as possible. To obtain
full details regarding the complaint procedure or consumer
protection means, or to file a complaint, the User can:
Call us at (0251) 7532108, and a service representative can
call us at (0251) 7532108;
Visit our website www.transferku.id and submit the online
form; or
- Email us at costumersevice@transferku.id.
We comply with the regulations of Bank Indonesia (Bank Central
Indonesia), and PPATK as the relevant Authorities under
Indonesian law.